Panel 1: Portrait view of Damon looking up to the left. He has a slight frown on his face and a crinkled brow. Text: Damon agrees Panel 2: Two hands clasped like they're shaking in agreement in the foreground. They are Dionysius and Damon's hands and they're in shadow. Beneath them in the background Pythias gets on one knee as he's hauled up by one arm by a frowning person in a helmet. He has a downturned mouth. Panel 3: Silhouette of Damon on the left in the foreground, he is in shadow and his expression cannot be seen. The person with the helmet is pushing Pythias away to the right of the page with a hand on his back. He holds a spear in his other hand. Pythias is looking backwards towards Damon. Text: and Pythias is released