Black and white comic with digital drawings. 
Panel 1: A very disproportionate tree with a tall naked trunk and leaves really far up. There is a desk with a hole in the middle stuck and crooked with the tree punching through. The desk is near the top right under the leaves. At the ground a tarp fort with books is tied up to the tree and a playground bar. The playground is to the left and looks sparse. There is one tall plastic square with holes held up by two poles. More shorter poles have climbing bars between them and there is a ramp to the ground. There is also a balancing beam. The playground is surrounded by a square border. Underneath the fort is two kids bent over something on the ground. The kid on the left says, "I want the top floor!"Panel 2: More zoomed in shot of the two kids bent over a piece of blank paper with 3 hole punches on the edge on the ground. They are smiling. The kid on the right is drawing on the paper and the kid on the left says, "We need a slide that goes from my floor to your floor though and a spiral staircase!"A speech bubble on the left of the panel says: a little window in the kitchen!
Panel 3: Simplistic drawings of a top down view of a drawing of a kitchen. There is swirly circles to represent the top of a stove and arrows pointing next to it labeled "Cereal" and another that gets cut off reading "Ice C"
To the left is the representation of two window panes swinging out and a dotted line between them.
Panel 4: A simplistic drawing of a top down bathtub with two nozzles with squares attached to them labeled "choco soap" and "Bubble"
Speech bubble pointing off to the left side of the page that reads, "Fluffy carpet stairs the BIGGEST bathtub a wall that's all windows..."Panel 5: Close up of the paper with hole punches in it. There is now a rectangle drawn on it labeled FLOOR 1, it's a layout of a house showing a bed, a closet, bookshelves, beanbags, a disembodied kitchen...
Speech bubble pointing to the left off the page, it says, "Oh, don't forget the desk tree!"
Speech bubble pointing to the right: I'm gonna have to move your table if we wanna fit a whole tree..."
Panel 6: Close up of a tree sticking through a table top. The wood is splintered slightly.
Speech bubble: That's okPanel 7: The two kids crowded around the piece of paper on the ground. The kid on the right is still drawing but looking over at the kid on the left. The kid on the left is on their stomach kicking their legs with their chin in their hands. They smile as they say, "our house should have your favourite place"
Speech bubble pointing to the left: We HAVE to have bunk beds, though
Speech bubble pointing to the right: We're on different floors!
Watermark in the bottom center of the page: @yeehawpim