Text: Sturdiest way to tape: Panel 1: A piece of tape going over a forearm. It's pulled tight across so that there's a gap between the tape and the wall. An arrow points to it labelled "gap!" Underneath the panel there is an X indicating this is the wrong way. Panel 2: A piece of tape securing a forearm. The tape is wrapped properly around the sides of the arm so there isn't a gap. Underneath the panel it is labelled with a check mark, indicating this is the correct way to do it. Text: Repeat until stuck to wall! Panel 3: Kid on the left standing on the chairs, their arms, legs, and torso have tape going over them and they smile as the kid on the left holds up another piece of tape. Panel 4: The taped up kid smiles with an open mouth as the kid on the right steps back, holding a trailing piece of longer tape.