Panel 1: Closer view of the moon, the craters are more detailed and there's gravelly texture. The speck looks vaguely rectangular. Red string trailing towards the speck.
Panel 2: Close-up of a mail box with it's flag down. There are chunks of what looks like rock on the ground nearby. Red string draped along the ground in the background. It goes underneath a rock and emerges out the other side.
Panel 3: A house on the surface of the moon with the top of a tree sticking out the center of the roof. The mailbox is on the other side of it. One side appears to be covered in windows, another shows a window on the top floor, inside there is a bit of checkered floor. On the first floor there is a large window showing the edge of a spiral slide. There are handles making up a ladder that goes from an open window in the skylight downwards off the page where the house is cut off. There is red string on the ground looping around the pole of the mailbox and goes out of view on the far side of the house.