Panel 1: A wall of differently shaped windows, rectangular and square ones with varying panes. The floor is carpeted and there is the edge of a bookshelf to the right. Outside the surface of the moon can be seen with a small crater and scattered rocks. Red string trails on the carpet and goes behind a book on the bottom shelf then trails out of frame again.
Panel 2: An oval bathtub sunk into tiled floor. There are 3 rectangular soap containers around the edge and a plug with a chain inside. Red string drapes into the bathtub and out, going underneath one of the soap containers.
Panel 3: A desk sitting on a carpet floor with a tree trunk through the middle. It appears to sprout from the floor and goes up out of the top of the panel. In the background there is a bed against the wall at floor-level, with blankets and a pillow. In front of it is a rectangular carpeted hole in the ground. To the left in the background is what looks like a set of closed cupboard doors. Red string comes out of the hole in the ground and goes behind the desk.